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- Jamie K. Schmidt
Beach Happens (Hawaii Heat, #2) Page 7
Beach Happens (Hawaii Heat, #2) Read online
Page 7
He took another step.
Don’t fucking answer it.
He took it out of his pocket and looked at it. “I’ve got to take this.”
It’s a good thing his window didn’t open, because she was seriously considering throwing him out of it. Or at least his phone.
"Dig in,” he said without looking at her. “I'm going to take this and get changed."
What the hell?
She wondered why he didn’t want to continue where they left off, but then her stomach growled, and she quickly got over any insecurity when she saw the pineapple spears.
Marcus came back, looking like he hopped into a quick shower before changing into a battered T-shirt and board shorts. She didn’t feel at all guilty that she ate all the pineapple.
He sat down across from her. “Sorry about that.”
“What was so important that you couldn’t ravish me first and then take the call?” Michaela was only half serious.
“We’re renovating the last building, and the contractors need me to hold their dicks.”
“There’s an image.”
He rolled his eyes. “I’d rather walk them through it then have to redo their work because the foreman is fishing today.”
“It sounds like a clusterfuck.”
“They keep telling me it’ll get done island time. Which is the polar opposite from New York time.”
“I’m sorry,” she said. “If you want to back out of today, I understand. I guess all I needed was a mind blowing orgasm to get over my ex being a prick.”
“Not a chance,” he said. “I didn’t bring you up here to seduce you. But you were so damned gorgeous, I couldn’t help myself.”
“I’m not complaining,” she said and took a bite of her omelet. She closed her eyes in appreciation. “Oh man, that’s good.”
Michaela opened her eyes to find him staring at her with sheer lust.
“So much for the cold shower.”
“We didn’t have to stop,” she said.
Marcus took in a shuddering breath. “If Pololena hadn’t interrupted us, I’d already be inside you.”
Oh hell yeah.
She tossed down her fork. “Let’s go.”
Marcus held up his hand. “I promised to take you surfing. We’re going on a date. We should have gone to dinner last night, but I got called away. I want to make it up to you. Eat first. Then surf. Then sex,” he said.
“Sounds like a perfect day.” Michaela ran her toes up his calf.
He groaned. “You’re killing me, you know that?”
She sighed dreamily. “You are great for my ego. Thanks for turning my day around. I had a fight with my ex.”
Marcus’s jaw clenched and he scanned her face. “He hit you?”
“What?” Michaela looked up from her eggs in shock. “No, of course not. He was being a dick. On the phone. Per usual.” She shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about him. What’s done is done.” And if that meant that the local gangs were wearing her trousseau, well she hoped they enjoyed them. Maybe she’d sue Gerald for the cost over it for breach of contract. The thought made her giggle.
“Having revenge fantasies about my ex.”
“I don’t want you thinking about him at all today. Any fantasies you have are just going to be you and me.”
“That sounds awesome.” Michaela’s body was still humming from his touch. It was hot that he was willing to wait to get his pleasure. A lot of guys would have just boned her on the couch. Not that she would’ve minded that, but it made her feel special that he actually wanted to spend time with her.
“How did it go with you and the guy that was pissing your brother off?
“Tetsuo?” Marcus’ lips compressed. “He’s a grade-A cocksucker. He’s a local businessmen with connections that let him get away with damn near everything. He cut a parasail line on a boat that we were taking once.”
“Holy shit.” Michaela almost spilled her coffee.
“It could have ended much worse. My sister-in-law, Amelia, was up a couple of hundred feet when it happened. We were able to pull her in safely and while she got dunked into the water, Samuel was able to get her untangled from the sail before she drowned.”
“Are you sure it was Tetsuo that did it?”
“He pretty much admitted it.”
“Why didn’t you turn him in?” she asked.
“He owns the cops. Then he kidnapped Amelia and made us sell the Palekaiko Beach Resort to him.”
“That’s totally illegal. It would never hold up in court. You signed under duress.”
Marcus shrugged. “He owns the courts, too. And I can’t deal with the fucking lawyers.”
She considered stabbing him with her fork, but she had better uses for it and took the last piece of dragon fruit instead.
“Wait,” she said, after finishing the succulent fruit. “I thought you and Dude were the owners of the Palekaiko Beach Resort?”
“We are now. Tetsuo made a deal that if we could make a profit for him, basically double what he paid us for the resort, he would allow us to buy it back.”
“So what happened?”
“Amelia is a machine. We met his goals and paid his outrageous selling price. We figured that was the end of it.” He dusted his hands. “Good riddance.”
“Let me guess. He got to thinking about how he should have asked for more money or that he should have refused to sell it back to you all together.”
“Well, he was pretty much honor bound to sell it back to us after the promise he made.”
Michaela snorted. “Men like that don’t care about promises.”
“Maybe not, but they care about their reputation and if it got around that Tetsuo Hojo doesn’t keep his promises, his business ventures would suffer.”
“What about your business ventures? You guys took a huge hit on this place.”
Marcus nodded. “Yeah, my board of directors isn’t very happy with me. But he’s my brother, so what can you do?”
“Dude must love this place.”
Marcus almost choked on his coffee. “He likes sitting on his ass in that hammock, but he wants out. He’d like to sell the resort, buy a condo, and call it a day.”
“I don’t get it,” Michaela said. “Why did you buy the place back from Tetsuo then?”
“You guys bought a Maui resort for her?” Michaela was stunned.
“It was her dream to run a resort like this. If we hadn’t, she probably would have gone to work for Tetsuo, and then she’d have to answer to him. Samuel wasn’t going to allow that.”
Her heart hurt a little. What would it be liked to be loved like that?
“But that doesn’t mean that we can all sit on our asses in a hammock and drink beer all day. We’re in the red, and we’ve poured way too much money into this place. These newest renovations just might tank us if we can’t fill them as soon as they’re completed.”
She reached across the table and put her hand on top of his. “It’s beautiful here. You’ll have no problem filling them up.”
He blew out a breath. “You’d think that, but any more bad luck and we’re in real trouble.”
“Okay, enough business talk. So tell me about Ho’okipa. What made you choose there for our surfing adventure?”
“I was originally going to try Olowalu today. It’s got a nice break, but you said you were looking for some big waves so we’re going to the North Shore. Besides, Olowalu is sharky under normal conditions."
Michaela cleared her throat. "I hear it's too crowded there anyway.”
He grinned. “You’ll like Ho’okipa. It has a strong rip and a shallow reef. We’re going to hit the Pavilions. There’s some big waves out there today. You think you can handle that?”
“Bring it.”
“It will take us about an hour to get there. I figure we could have dinner at Mama’s Fish House.”
“Do they have malasadas for dessert?”
; “Not that I recall, but they tell you the name of the fisherman that catches your dinner.”
"I think I'm a little underdressed for dinner."
"So let's go back to your hotel and grab a change of clothes for you too. And maybe an overnight bag."
Shit, now what was she going to do? She couldn't bring him back to the room without getting Amelia in trouble.
"What's the dress code like? I don't have anything fancy."
"Not too fancy," he said. "A sun dress should be fine."
She bit her lip. "My hotel is really far away. I don't want to risk having the wind pick up. We're already late getting started."
Marcus shrugged. "All right. But I want to take you to a nice restaurant. How about tomorrow night?"
That should give her enough time to go shopping. Even if she had to call a cab.
“I’m in.” Michaela balled up her napkin and placed it on her plate. “That was delicious.”
“You’re delicious,” he said. “Come on, let’s hit the North Shore before I forget I’m a gentleman.”
Chapter Seven
Marcus had a hard on again by the time they pulled into the parking spot. Michaela was so fucking sexy in that little bikini. He parked at the lookout first, so they could watch for a bit.
“Not that I’m complaining,” he said as they walked to the edge of the cliff. “But aren’t you afraid of losing the suit in the water?”
She grinned up at him, so fucking beautiful with the sun on her face and the wind in her hair. When she stormed through the lobby this morning and asked for Hani, there was no way in hell Marcus was going to let her go out without him today. She was so fired up about her ex, that it was all he could do to keep his hands off her once they had been alone.
“It’s made for surfing. My next one isn’t going to be white though.”
“The white suits you.” He liked the contrast between it and his tanned arm.
“White isn’t my lucky color,” she said sadly.
Marcus stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her. He rested his cheek against hers and was delighted when her breathing quickened when he pressed his body against hers.
“Those waves crashing in are white.” He kissed her cheek.
Michaela trailed her fingers over his arms and the tickling went straight to his cock.
“Think it’s too windy to surf?” he asked.
“Not on your life,” she said, taking him by the hand. “Come on.”
He was about to unhook the boards, when she got back into the car. “It’s easier to walk from here,” he said.
She crooked her finger at him.
Marcus got back in and closed the door. “Second thoughts?”
Reaching over, she slid his hand into his shorts and grabbed him. “Michaela,” he gasped like an old lady clutching her pearls. “People can see us.”
“No,” she said, leaning over so their faces were almost touching. “They can’t see that I’m jerking you off. So as long as you don’t kiss me or anything, it will look like we’re just talking.”
She had his cock in a tight grip and was stroking him leisurely.
“Holy shit,” he said. He was getting a hand job in his car like a teenager at a drive-in. Not that he was complaining. It felt so good, his eyes were crossing.
“Just look at me and smile.”
“Fuck that feels good.” He arched into her.
Michaela’s chocolate brown eyes danced with glee. “Too bad it’s not dark. I’d have my mouth around you right now.”
He sucked in a breath and groaned.
“I like how you feel. So nice and hard.”
“Michaela,” he moaned. She was driving him crazy. He turned to cup her breast in his hand. He rubbed his thumb against her nipple.
“Public indecency,” she warned. “Hands off.”
He growled, and she punished him by rubbing faster.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard, we’re going to break my bed,” he vowed.
"Keep talking tough guy."
He tossed his shirt over his head and tugged down on his shorts to give her better access.
"God, you're gorgeous," she said in a reverent tone that made his balls clench. "I want to lick every muscle on your body."
She rubbed her thumb over the tip that was moistened with his pre come. Marcus didn't recognize the noise coming out of his mouth. It was half growl, half moan with an undertone of begging. He had no more words. He was lost in the pleasurable friction she was building in him.
"Your eyes are so intense," Michaela whispered.
He wanted to see her face when she made him come. It wouldn't be long now. He had taken care of himself in the shower because he had been iron hard even after talking to the contractors, but her touch was driving him over the edge, past reason. And that dirty mouth of hers. Marcus gave a low chuckle. He had plans for that.
"You're playing with fire," he warned her.
"Did you think I'd let you have all the fun? Now, it's your turn to come for me."
He didn't care who the fuck saw, he dove in and kissed her as he exploded all over her hand and his chest. Breathing heavily, he dropped back on his seat.
Michaela licked her fingers and his cock twitched at the sight.
"You're going to kill me." Reaching for his shirt, he wiped himself off with it, and tossed it in the back seat. "Don't make me forget that back there. That's all I need is Samuel finding it."
She laughed.
"There should be tissues in the glove box." Marcus tucked himself back into his shorts.
He kissed her again because her she tasted like pineapples and her lips were addicting. "You're amazing."
"It's hard not to jump on you," she admitted. "You're so damn sexy."
"What are you doing for breakfast tomorrow?" Marcus wasn't going to let her out of his sight.
"Hopefully you," Michaela said.
"Good answer."
"Let's hit the waves." The most perfect woman in the world said, and then climbed out of his car.
High on endorphins and adrenaline, Michaela took her first wave. The exhilaration hit as she caught it. Pushing up to a standing position, she got her balance. The roar of the ocean was in her ear and the spray of the water in her face. She was in front of the break and feeling good about the ride. Dropping down the face of the wave, she left her stomach at the peak.
Cowabunga, her heart cried.
She was so glad she was here and not on a cramped flight back home. She steadied herself to turn, so she carved ahead of the white water, but it was too fast for her and a waterfall of ocean curved over her head. Adapting, Michaela rode through the gas chamber, trailing her hand until she shot out the other side and managed a few more turns before the ocean was done with her and pushed her off the board. She fell safely. Marcus had prepared her to expect the violent rush of water sending her tumbling, but she hadn't expected a second wave to keep her down. Resisting the urge to panic, she swam through it even though she wasn't sure which way was up. When her hand broke water, she pushed herself the rest of the way to the surface, taking a huge breath once her head crested. Her surfboard was close, and she slithered on top of it, paddling out of the wave line to catch her breath.
She was exhausted and her arms were shaking, but she was laughing and crying at the same time. It had been too long since she experienced the raw power of Mother Nature. Reining in the hysterics, Michaela sat up on her board to watch Marcus. He was right behind her, but she didn't see him in the water.
Then she saw him burst out of a tube, his board dancing across the top of the waves. He rode it to the end like a man taming a bucking bronco. Finishing it up, he leaned back and pivoted out of the wave like a boss.
Michaela waved to get his attention, and he paddled over to where she was resting.
"Now I know why they call you the Kahuna," she leaned over and kissed him.
He held her head when she would have pulled away and contin
ued the kiss.
"Bikini's still on, I see," he said when he was done kissing her senseless.
"You can take it off anytime you want," she purred.
"I plan on it. Let's grab a few more waves first."
There wasn't a lot of time for talking. The waves were coming fast and high. It was everything she could do to keep getting back on her board after turtle rolling through the incoming waves so she didn't get pushed back to the beach. Michaela was out of practice for the hard stuff. Too much sitting behind a desk and in the law library.
"Hey, Kincaide?"
Marcus looked up at a big Hawaiian in the lineup.
"Tetsuo sends his regards." He gave him a slow shaka.
Marcus returned the gesture. "Give him my best."
The guy laughed and paddled into position for the peak.
"Was it just me, or did that sound ominous?" Michaela asked.
"Just ignore it. His goons like to make veiled threats disguised as being friendly or helpful. Still, it couldn't hurt to stay away from him."
"Will do."
They still had to wait an hour to get into position again. This time she let Marcus go first so she could see him. The Hawaiian came out of nowhere and dropped in on him.
"Hey," she yelled.
Marcus saw him and tried to avoid, but the guy was fast. He squatted down and pulled Marcus's ankle leash and sent Marcus went flying into the surf. The guy went to ride over him, but Marcus was out of the way, albeit in the soup.
"Did you see that bullshit?" Michaela said, but no one made eye contact.
She took her turn, but her concentration was off because she kept looking over her shoulder to see if some asshole was burning her. However, she had a good ride and was starting to get a feel for the pace. Marcus was waiting for her this time. He was glowering at the Hawaiian who had dunked him.
"Are you all right?" she asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. That shithead just wants to play head games with me."
"Do you want to go?"
"Fuck no. I'm not letting some kook yank my leash and get away with it."
"Please don't kick your board at him. It's dangerous."
"Not the way I do it," he said. "I don't aim for the body. I aim for the board. They still hit the waves, but no injuries."